Viking Yachts

Commitment to Excellence

About Viking Yachts

Viking prides itself on its renowned manufacturing capabilities. From the initial design to the finished product, Viking’s highly-regarded reputation is rooted in the company’s commitment to produce 90 percent of the boat in house.

Viking has become the global leader when it comes to building quality sportfishing yachts and motoryachts. Founded in the early 1960’s by Bob and Bill Healey, Viking has literally built its way into history as one of the finest yacht brands in the world. Viking Yachts does most of its manufacturing in-house which results in an unparalleled level of quality control from concept to finished yacht, and has helped it maintain an untouchable reputation with Viking owners.

We invite you to explore all models from Viking and contact us for sales and pricing information.

Viking Website

Viking 54 Sport Tower

The Viking Difference

Building a better boat every day has been Viking's philosophy for more than five decades, and this is why Viking leads the industry today in performance, innovation, engineering, and luxury. And Viking will also lead tomorrow because its commitment to excellence is reflected in the "Viking Difference".

Viking 64 Convertible

The brand Viking Yachts produces enclosed yachts, sportfishers and convertibles and is also active in the superyacht market. There are 38 models currently in production ranging from 11 to 29 meters. The current model range includes 6 lines: Billfish, Enclosed Bridge, Motor Yachts, Open, Open Bridge and Sport Yachts.

Viking 80 Sky Bridge


Valhalla Boatworks